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The בית המדרש will be open for learning on ליל שבת. Cholent, Kugel and refreshments will be served. There will be חומש שיעור given by R’ Yaakov Weinstein. Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Gottesman.

There will IY”H be שבת אחים in the shul ליל שבת לכבוד שירות ותשבחות at 9:30 PM.

There will IY”H be a פירות טיש in the בית המדרש on Wednesday night at 8:30 PM לכבוד ט"ו בשבט. If you would like to help sponsor please contact Yosef Horowitz 347-567-2586.

The Halacha Shiur given by R’ Avraham Kapetas will take place at 4:20 this Shabbos. The topic is “Hachana on Shabbos: Practical Scenarios and Solutions”


Kiddush is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Weinstein

לכבוד יום הבהיר יו״ד שבט

יום הילולה של אדמו״ר יוסף יצחק זי״ע

 ותחילת הנשיאות של אדמו״ר מנחם מענדל זי״ע

Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Dov Herman לז"נ מרת בתיה שושנה בת ר' זעליג פסח הלוי ע"ה

Avos Ubanim is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Shlomie Cohen and by Dr. & Mrs. Mikey Goldman לז"נ הרב דוד בן הרב שלמה ז"ל והחבר יוסף מלך בן ר' מרדכי מאיר ז"ל

Coffee is sponsored by R’ Herschel Reisz לרפואה שלימה עלקא ברינדל בת אסתר יוטא.

Ner Lamoer חודש שבט is sponsored by Dr. & Mrs. Mikey Goldman לז"נ his father החבר יוסף מלך בן ר' מרדכי מאיר ז"ל

If anyone would like to sponsor any of these events please contact Yosef Horowitz 347-567-2586. The prices for sponsorships is as follows:

  • Friday night learning $100/week

  • Kiddush $450/week (if co-sponsorships with 2 or more people, they should give at least $250 each)
    Anything extra added for Kiddush will be billed exactly the price of the items.

  • Shalosh Seudos $200/week

  • Avos Ubanim – Food $180/week, Prizes $180/week

  • Ner Lamoer $1,250/month

  • Coffee $100/week, $400/month

If anybody needs a receipt for any pledges made out to the shul please contact Efraim Graber at 347-239-7061 or

Peleh Yoetz – The shul is learning Peleh Yoetz together. To access the shiurim on Peleh Yoetz please click this link

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