846 West Broadway, Woodmere
Ishei Yisroel
No Halacha Shiur this Shabbos.
Please remember to move your clocks 1 hour back on Motzei Shabbos.
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Adam Glickman on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Chaim. Please see attached invitation.
There will IY”H be a סעודת הילולא in the shul Sunday night for the Yahrzeit of the Heliger Rizhiner Rebbe זי"ע. The Seuda will take place at 8:30 followed by Maariv at 9:45.
Kiddush is sponsored by:
Mr. & Mrs. Efraim Graber לז"נ ר' יהושע ז"ל בן ר' משה ברוך נ"י
Mr. & Mrs. Naftali Rosenberg לז"נ ר' צבי יהודה בן ר' אברהם עביר ז"ל
Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Dovid Abramson לז"נ his father הרב מיכאל בן הרב אברהם ז"ל
Coffee is sponsored by R’ Herschel Reisz לרפואה שלימה עלקא ברינדל בת אסתר יוטא.
Ner Lamoer חודש חשון is sponsored לזכות רפואה שלימה פיגא בת אסתר מירל
If anyone would like to sponsor any of these events please contact Yosef Horowitz 347-567-2586. The prices for sponsorships is as follows:
Kiddush $450/week (if co-sponsorships with 2 or more people, they should give at least $250 each)
Anything extra added for Kiddush will be billed exactly the price of the items. -
Shalosh Seudos $200/week
Ner Lamoer $1,250/month
Coffee $100/week, $400/month
If anybody needs a receipt for any pledges made out to the shul please contact Efraim Graber at 347-239-7061 or efraimgraber@gmail.com.
Peleh Yoetz – The shul is learning Peleh Yoetz together. To access the shiurim on Peleh Yoetz please click this link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19S_JVQ5cWSDG_KZwaPJPjVgQbhmdP3VP?usp=sharing.